AOC Advisory Council

The AOC Advisory Council (the “AOC Council”) is composed of representatives of each Active Organizational Member Society (rom National, Regional, International or Subspecialty Ophthalmology Society or Organisation). The council representative is appointed by their organisation and approved by the BOT. The representative must be a fully paid-up members of the AOC in good standing. Additionally membership to the Council includes a maximum of 5 representatives of Active individual members selected by Board to fulfil inclusivity, 2 representatives each from International individual and international organizational members and a maximum of 5 Associate members representing different professional categories. The chair of the Council is elected by the members of the council and they sit on the Board of Trustees. Members of the Counicl chair several committees of the AOC.

The AOC General Assembly

The AOC General Assembly is formed of the AOC individual members in all categories Organisations Organisations can only be represented by members who have individual membership who are in good standing. The purpose of the General Assembly is to ensure that the AOC’s activities correspond to the needs of its members. Meetings of the AOC General Assemble are held once each year, at a time and place approved by the Board of Trustees and may be held virtually. At the annual meeting in certain years, members shall elect members of the Board of Trustees and Officers presented by the Nomination Committee and The AOC General Assembly shall review and approve the delivery and performance of AOC programme of activities and policies from the previous year and review and approve the AOC programme of activities and policies for the coming year.

Working Committees

The AOC board of trustees achieves specific objectives through working committees. The Board of Trustees determine which working committees to create and their TOR’s. The nominations of potential committee chairs are presented to the Board of Trustees by the Chair of the AOC Advisory Council and the Working Committee chairs are appointed in collaboration with the Chair of the AOC Advisory Council. The current working committees consist of:

  -Congress committee

  -Diaspora committee

  -Education committee

  -Young ophthalmologists committee

  -Awards committee